Capturing the Magic of Buttons
For NBS members who prefer to learn with an instructor, NBS
offers fun, recorded tutorials as a membership benefit. They are 6-to-20 minutes in length. Visit our YouTube channel to see them all: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPX862oW_fNgDaiwX-G9zeA
The full list appears below. You can click on each to see the individual video, or the Channel link above to go to YouTube channel. Look for new tutorials added throughout the year.
Buttons and Zipper Bracelet This Button & Zipper Bracelet
Tutorial is new for the "Capturing the Magic of Buttons" series.
In it, you will learn how to make a button bracelet with a zipper
as your base.
Presented by National Button Society member, Sylvia Liszka Durell
Glass Button Jar by Sylvia Liszka Durell. Buttons are so pretty
that they deserve to be out-front and inside this button jar.
Click below to see any of the earlier tutorials: